November Thoughts Week 4

Nov 24 What are your dreams for education in the future?

My dream for the future is that everyone will see the importance of my job for helping to teach children to become physical literate and what that means. 

“Physical Literacy is the ability to use the body as an instrument of expression/communication and the ability to articulate/demonstrate knowledge and skills.  It is moving with competence and confidence in a wide variety of environments and physical activities that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.”

I believe this is vital to assuring we have a society in which people can perform at their best in all situations.

Nov 25 What would you like to let go of?

I would like to let go of being forced to be the square peg in round hole.  I believe that common core and common language is important.  I do not believe that common core encompasses all facets of education.  We need well rounded people so all areas of education are important.  Don't throw out the arts.  To me that is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  

Nov 26 Write about any 3 small pleasures in your life/day.

I have many pleasures in my life.  Today one of my little pleasures is the opportunity to spend time with friends.  This to me however is not a little pleasure, it is a large pleasure.  I have amazing friends who I care deeply about.  The second small pleasure is the first day of the Thanksgiving break.  I have a day to regroup and get ready for the Thanksgiving day.  The third small pleasure in my life is a beautiful white snowfall.  Although the storm disrupted my travel plans and I could not make it to my sisters house for Thanksgiving I looked out my window in the morning and saw a gorgeous clean, white, winter wonderland.  I did spend the day with some friends so I was not alone for the holiday.  I had many offers so I was not going to be alone.  Did I mention I have great friends?

Nov 27 If you could bottle up the perfect day, what would it look like?

If I could bottle up the perfect day what would it look like?  Hummm that is good question.  I don't think I can define a perfect day.  I have sat here at my computer and thought about this a great deal.  There are many components of what would help lead to a perfect day.  The first is the opportunity to sleep in.  I love to have the luxury to lounge in the bed in the morning.  I think friends would have to be involved in my perfect day somewhere.  Maybe meeting for lunch, dinner or a game night.  I think that laughter has to be there as well.  My day is never complete without laughter.  Good food is important also.  I love a good meal, maybe Mexican, lol.  A cup of tea can go a long way also.  

Nov 28 Talk about 1 opportunity that you are grateful in hindsight for having passed you by.

I have been given many opportunities in my life.  I have been rather fortunate to have people who believe in what I do as a person and professional.  I have a problem saying no however so at times I take things on that maybe should not have been ventured into when the opportunity came to me.  I do sometimes get over extended because of it.  Although when that has happened I have managed to complete the task and been successful but I won't say it was without stress.  So what is the opportunity that I am glad that has passed me by?  I guess I would have to say the opportunity to take an EMT class recently.  I have had becoming an EMT on my bucket list.  I would still very much like to take a class.  I think that at this point in time it is not the right time.  I still have a lot on my plate and I fear that I would not be able to give the amount of time to the course that it would require.  I am sure that once again I would be successful but at the cost.  I fear it would be stress upon stress.  I have to take some things on off my plate so that I can give the attention necessary to the class.  

Nov 29 We all know someone who inspires us to be better. Share that person.

I have had many inspirational people who have influenced my life.  I have had some amazing teachers as role models for people who care about kids.   I would say one of the biggest influences in my life was Girl Scouting.  I had two people who really brought me into my own and they helped form into the person I am today.  Betty Clark and Ann Aldrich were both amazing women.  They made everyone believe that if you worked toward accomplishing something and wanted it badly enough you wouldn't fail.  I was also a horribly shy child.  I was the kid who would avert eye contact and not offer any form discussion unless directly called upon.  Both Betty Clark and Ann Aldrich made me believe that was worthy of being heard and even more importantly made me believe I could be a leader.  I am  not sure that without their influence that I would have ended up being a teacher.  I know that I was not the only girl who was touched in a very special way by these two amazing women.  I do know however that they made everyone feel special. 

Nov 30 Practice an act of kindness this week and blog about your experience.

I have passed on several acts of kindness this week.  I payed for someones drink one night when I was having dinner and it was clear this person was not having a great day.  I asked the bartender to simply say that their drink had been paid for but not to share who covered the tab.  I felt great just being able to hopefully make this person day a little brighter than it appeared to be when they walked into the restaurant.  

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